Jay Carney lascerà il suo incarico di portavoce della Casa Bianca, ha annunciato il presidente Barack Obama
Il suo posto sarà preso da Josh Earnest, finora vice di Carney. Carney era il principale responsabile della maggior parte delle conferenze stampa e della comunicazione dell’amministrazione Obama.
Obama names Josh Earnest as new press secretary; earnest has been Jay Carney's deputy. #breaking
— Reuters Politics (@ReutersPolitics) 30 Maggio 2014
(New York Times) Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, is leaving his post as the public face of the administration, stepping down after shifting from two decades of reporting to politics at the highest levels, President Obama said on Friday.
Mr. Obama, who announced Mr. Carney’s departure, said Mr. Carney will be replaced by Mr. Carney’s deputy, Josh Earnest.
Mr. Obama called Mr. Earnest a person of “sound judgment and great temperament.”
Mr. Carney, who fielded questions from the press moments after Mr. Obama left the podium, said the timing of his departure was uncertain.