• Postit
  • Mercoledì 24 giugno 2015

L’articolo di Matteo Renzi sui migranti pubblicato dal Guardian

The search for peace and food that is forcing thousands of women and men, often with their young children in tow, to risk their lives reaching Europe didn’t begin today, and it won’t end tomorrow. Anyone who thinks this crisis can be solved with a tweet or a Facebook post lives in a parallel universe.

The history of humanity has been marked by migration flows, but it is fear that allows shallow demagoguery, and sometimes open racism, increasingly to inhabit Europe’s politics – to the extent that it has been the decisive factor in several recent elections.

But we must respond to fear with political courage.

The country I represent, Italy, has saved countless human lives over the past months. I’d like to pay tribute to the women and men, both military and civilian, who even now are displaying solidarity and courage in keeping our fellow human beings alive. Aboard the ships of our navy and coastguard, three babies have been born in the past six months.

These “angels of the sea” are making Europe a better place. I used to be the mayor of Florence. The identity of this great region stems from the masterpieces of past geniuses, from Michelangelo to Leonardo, from Galileo to Brunelleschi, from the Uffizi to the Palazzo Vecchio. But when I used to speak to elderly people in cafes or in the streets, they would tell me that the thing they were proudest of wasn’t the ancient masterpieces, but having helped to save lives and protect artworks during the flood of 1966.

We used to call these people the “angels of the mud”. Today, Italy is proud of its angels of the sea, just as Florence was of its angels of the mud.

However, while lives are being saved we also know that there isn’t enough room for everyone. Whoever has the right to asylum must be welcome in Europe, not just in Italy, despite the EU’s Dublin regime. But it is inconceivable that one country should tackle the entirety of this problem on its own. Responsibility and solidarity are concepts that go hand in hand.