“È di qualcuno?”

Quelli di Gizmodo pensano che l’iPhone dimenticato in un bar californiano sia davvero il nuovo iPhone 4G Why we think it’s definitely real We’re as skeptical—if not more—than all of you. We get false tips all the time. But after playing with it for about a week—the overall quality feels exactly like a finished final Apple phone—and [...]

Quelli di Gizmodo pensano che l’iPhone dimenticato in un bar californiano sia davvero il nuovo iPhone 4G

Why we think it’s definitely real
We’re as skeptical—if not more—than all of you. We get false tips all the time. But after playing with it for about a week—the overall quality feels exactly like a finished final Apple phone—and disassembling this unit, there is so much evidence stacked in its favor, that there’s very little possibility that it’s a fake. In fact, the possibility is almost none. Imagine someone having to use Apple components to design a functioning phone, from scratch, and then disseminating it to people around the world. Pretty much impossible. Here are the reasons, one by one.

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