I vincitori del Photo Contest 2012 del National Geographic

12 belle fotografie tra le finaliste del concorso della celebre rivista

The subject's name is Busaba, a well cared for Indochinese Tigress whose home is at Khao Kheow Open Zoo, Thailand. I had taken many portraits of Busaba previously and it was becoming more and more difficult to come up with an image that appeared any different to the others. Which is why I took to observing her more carefully during my visits in the hope of capturing something of a behavioural shot. The opportunity finally presented itself while watching Busaba enjoying her private pool then shaking herself dry. In all humility I have to say that Mother Nature smiled favourably on me that day!
The subject's name is Busaba, a well cared for Indochinese Tigress whose home is at Khao Kheow Open Zoo, Thailand. I had taken many portraits of Busaba previously and it was becoming more and more difficult to come up with an image that appeared any different to the others. Which is why I took to observing her more carefully during my visits in the hope of capturing something of a behavioural shot. The opportunity finally presented itself while watching Busaba enjoying her private pool then shaking herself dry. In all humility I have to say that Mother Nature smiled favourably on me that day!

Qualche giorno fa sono stati annunciati i vincitori di un famoso premio di fotografia, Photo Contest 2012, aperto a tutti e promosso dal mensile National Geographic. Grazie alla sua natura di premio rivolto ai lettori, le immagini inviate sono state più di 22.000 e provenivano da più di 150 paesi.

Il vincitore del concorso di quest’anno è Ashley Vincent, tailandese, con un’immagine intitolata The Explosion!, che mostra la tigre Busaba mentre si scrolla nello zoo safari di Khao Kheow. Le categorie per presentare le proprie immagini erano tre: Persone, Luoghi, Natura. Oltre alle tre foto vincitrici nelle tre categorie, sono state assegnate menzioni d’onore e premi dal pubblico per le immagini. Le fotografie vincitrici saranno pubblicate nel prossimo numero della rivista.