Peter Gabriel è in ospedale per ragioni “non gravi” ma ha dovuto annullare il concerto di Lione, in Francia

La société de production Eldorado a annoncé mardi que Peter Gabriel avait annulé son concert du mercredi 26 novembre à la Halle Tony Garnier de Lyon, suite à son hospitalisation, dont le motif n’est pas connu, quoiqu’il est notifié que le motif n’est “pas grave”. “Un report est éventuellement possible mais pour le moment, pas de nouvelle date”, a précisé Eldorado dans son communiqué.

Unfortunately we have had to cancel Peter Gabriel’s performance in Lyon tomorrow evening the 26th of November. This is due to illness – Peter has lost his voice.
We are optimistic the tour will resume in Birmingham, as scheduled, on Friday 28th November.
If you have tickets for the Lyon show please contact your ticket outlet for further information.

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