domenica 19 Novembre 2023

«Ne abbiamo molto discusso»

Nel dibattito antico – ma diventato più intenso in questi anni – sulle scelte da fare con la pubblicazione di immagini “impressionanti” per diverse ragioni, la direttrice del Washington Post Sally Buzbee ha spiegato ai lettori la scelta del giornale di mostrare delle foto particolarmente macabre all’interno di un’inchiesta sulla violenza da armi da fuoco negli Stati Uniti.

” For this project, we established one ground rule at the start of our reporting: If we sought to publish any pictures of identifiable bodies, we would seek permission from the families of the victims. Some families indicated they would be open to granting permission, but ultimately we decided that the potential harm to victims’ families outweighed any potential journalistic value of showing recognizable bodies. We ultimately included nine photos from the Uvalde files showing scenes inside the classrooms taken shortly after bodies were removed. In addition, we show sealed body bags in the school hallway.

The only photograph in this story showing bodies is one taken immediately after the 2017 shooting at the Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas. We felt the scene captured in this photo — a field strewn with the dead and wounded beneath the Las Vegas skyline — illustrates why witnesses often liken AR-15 shootings to American war zones. The perspective of the photograph, in which the victims are seen from a distance, makes it unlikely that individuals could be identified”.

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