domenica 29 Maggio 2022

Si differenzia

James Breiner, docente e studioso dell’innovazione nei media, ha dedicato la sua ultima newsletter ai risultati del Post, aggiornando rispetto a una precedente intervista col suo peraltro direttore Luca Sofri.

” Il Post illustrates a reality of media business models today. Each one has to be unique to the particular market conditions, the competition, consumption habits, and the talents of the staff, among other variables.

Il Post seems to have found its niche. In a media ecosystem flooded with inane, trivial, misleading, or false information, its value proposition is to produce trustworthy information relevant to people’s daily lives.
This value proposition is what it has in common with publications like 
Mediapart in France (investigative journalism behind a paywall) and in Spain (independent news with a freemium model of membership)”.

Charlie è la newsletter del Post sui giornali e sull'informazione, puoi riceverla gratuitamente ogni domenica mattina iscrivendoti qui.