55 Great Old American Color Photographs

Amazing photos from 1935 to 1944, during the Great Depression

These photos were taken between 1939 and 1944 by photographers working for the United States Farm Security Administration (FSA), an organization created within the New Deal to fight poverty in rural America. The FSA also aimed to inform American citizens about the problems of rural population in the US, «introducing America to Americans».

FSA photographers travelled around the country to portray poor farmers and their families, miners, sharecroppers, cotton harvesters and the toughness of country life. They created 250,000 images, half of which are archived in the Library of Congress. The Library has published online 164,000 developed negatives plus 644 color images from 1600 negatives. The entire collection is available on Flickr. Many of these images were published on popular magazines and newspapers, some others were used as educational materials: in fact, they created the image of the Depression in the US.

These photos in vivid colors have a great impact as we usually see only black and white pics of those years.